Fullstack Developer
Rio Verde - GO / BRAZIL
Backend development and software architecture

My skills
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Game Development
I started game dev in RPG Maker, where i learnt a lot of the basics on programming logic, later i moved into Game Maker, learning how to code in GML, creating multiple systems like dialogue, turn based battle and cutscene managers. I also worked with Unity, Godot and Unreal Engine 4, where I learnt 3D game development with C#, Blueprint and GDScript. I participated in a couple Game Jams, even getting 2nd Place in one of them with a small game called TITO.
OnGo Cargas
A company I worked in as a Fullstack developer for 1 year, with tasks ranging from low to high level of dificulty. In the backend I used C# and the .Net framework to work with a REST API, creating new routes, entities, managing migrations and bug fixing. In the frontend I used typescript and React, creating multiple views, using SCSS for styling and Redux for State management, as well as Real-time update dashboards using websockets.
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A software company created by me and some friends. I work as the CTO, mainly serving the team as a Backend developer and as a supervisor/mentor on different projects. My tasks also include project management, code reviewing, frontend development, CI/CD pipelines and devOps in general. Here I worked on various different projects, from simpler ones like landing pages to more complex like structuring and developing REST APIs.Projects
Softwares that I have worked on both on the companies I've been and personal projects.
A truck/cargo management software, with real-time dashboards and maps and multiple user interfaces and API routes.Tech:TS - React, Redux, Sagas, C# - .NET REST API and Entity Framework, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure DevOpsDigital Menu APP
A restaurant and order management with an app for customers and a backoffice for the company.Tech:NextJS, Next API Routes, Prisma and PostgresPetch API
An API for an APP that connects pet owners and pet related services, as well as pet-friendly spaces.Tech:Express, InversifyJS, Prisma and Postgres, RenderMulti-Services API
A Golang API for a service booking app.Tech:Go, Gorm and PostgresTito
A small game about a worker that lives inside a giant robot and has to reapir a bunch of stuff.Tech:RPG Maker and JSArkaiden RPG Manager
A RPG Manager with multiple features like real-time character changes, turn simulator and dice throwing.Tech:NextJS and WebSocketsDeranged Doodle
A small game about a scribble man that has to collect erasers to avoid scribbling outTech:Game Maker Studio 2 - GML